1. 新建一个大转盘的活动:
2. 奖项设置
3. 保存后,在微信里给公众号发一个“大转盘”的消息, 就会收到大转盘的内容
4. 点击进入大转盘活动,然后点击中间的 “点击抽奖”:
1. 页面
1.1 前台代码
[removed] [removed].href = "end.aspx?wid="+<%=wid%>+"&aid="+<%=aid%>+"&openid="+<%=openid%>+";"; [removed]nbsp;html> <meta> <meta> <meta> <meta> <meta> <meta> <meta> <meta> <meta> <title>幸运大转盘抽奖</title> [removed][removed] [removed][removed] [removed][removed] <link> <style> .activity-lottery-winning { background: url(images/beijing.gif) repeat scroll 0 0 #7E65AB; background-size: 120px auto; overflow: hidden; } </style>登录后复制
<>-.> </> <> </> <> <> </> <> </> <> </>
本次活动每天可以转 次,总共可以转 次 你已经转了 次
[removed] var thisurl= document.URL; var wid = <%=wid%>; var aid =<%=aid%>; var status = $("#hidStatus").val(); var showInfo = $("#hidErrInfo").val(); var openid ="<%=openid%>"; var jxname=""; var jpname=""; var cjtip=""; var zhuantimes=parseInt( $("#zhuantimes").text()); var zjl = false;//没中奖为false中奖为true <% if (isZhJing) { %> $("#outercont").hide(); $("#result").show(); <%} %> if (status == "2") { $("#outercont").hide(); } else if(status=="100") { $("#outercont").hide(); $("#result").hide(); $("#zjl").show(); } $(function () { window.requestAnimFrame = (function () { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60) } })(); var totalDeg = 360 * 3 + 0; var steps = []; var lostDeg = [360]; var prizeDeg = <%=shuzu%>; var prize, sncode; var count = 0; var now = 0; var a = 0.01; var outter, inner, timer, running = false; function countSteps() { var t = Math.sqrt(2 * totalDeg / a); var v = a * t; for (var i = 0; i < t xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed cjtip=data.content; xss=removed xss=removed cjtip=data.content; xss=removed zjl=true; cjtip=data.content; xss=removed xss=removed jpname=data.jpname; jxname=data.jxname; cjtip=data.content; xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed pwd = "" xss=removed>0 && $.trim($("#parssword").val()) == "") { alert("请输入兑奖密码!"); return } if ($.trim(tel) == "") { alert("请输入手机号!"); return } if($("#parssword").length>0){ pwd= $("#parssword").val(); } var rad = Math.random(); var submitData = { id: hidAwardId, aid: aid, pwd: pwd, snumber:$("#sncode").text(), tel: tel, rad: rad, openid:openid }; $.post('dzpAct.ashx?myact=update', submitData, function (data) { if (data.success == "1") { alert("提交成功!"); $("#result").slideToggle(500); $("#zjl").slideToggle(500); $("#outercont").slideUp(500); } else { alert(data.msg); } }, "json") }); [removed] [removed] document.addEventListener('WeixinJSBridgeReady', function onBridgeReady() { window.shareData = { "imgUrl": "", "timeLineLink": thisurl + "&is_share=1", "sendFriendLink": thisurl + "&is_share=1", "weiboLink": thisurl + "&is_share=1", "tTitle": "<%=dzpAction.actName%>", "tContent": "请关注后,再来抽奖。<%=dzpAction.brief%>", "fTitle": "请关注后,再来抽奖。<%=dzpAction.actName%>", "fContent": "请关注后,再来抽奖。<%=dzpAction.brief%>", "wContent": "请关注后,再来抽奖。<%=dzpAction.brief%>" }; // 发送给好友 WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:appmessage', function (argv) { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('sendAppMessage', { "img_url": window.shareData.imgUrl, "img_width": "640", "img_height": "640", "link": window.shareData.sendFriendLink, "desc": window.shareData.fContent, "title": window.shareData.fTitle }, function (res) { _report('send_msg', res.err_msg); }) }); // 分享到朋友圈 WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:timeline', function (argv) { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('shareTimeline', { "img_url": window.shareData.imgUrl, "img_width": "640", "img_height": "640", "link": window.shareData.timeLineLink, "desc": window.shareData.tContent, "title": window.shareData.tTitle }, function (res) { _report('timeline', res.err_msg); }); }); // 分享到微博 WeixinJSBridge.on('menu:share:weibo', function (argv) { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('shareWeibo', { "content": window.shareData.wContent, "url": window.shareData.weiboLink, }, function (res) { _report('weibo', res.err_msg); }); }); }, false) [removed]
©微布斯科技提供 qq 121285904 www.webus.cn
2.1 后台代码
///登录后复制/// ErrLevel:100表示正确无误,1表示严重错误,2表示业务方面有问题;3直接跳转到结束页面 /// public int ErrLevel = 100; public string ErrorInfo = ""; public Model.wx_dzpActionInfo dzpAction; public int picIndex = 0; public int aid = 0; public int wid = 0; public bool isZhJing = false; public string openid = ""; public string shuzu = ""; BLL.wx_dzpAwardUser ubll = new BLL.wx_dzpAwardUser(); BLL.wx_dzpUsersTemp utbll = new BLL.wx_dzpUsersTemp(); BLL.wx_dzpActionInfo actBll = new BLL.wx_dzpActionInfo(); BLL.wx_dzpAwardItem itemBll = new BLL.wx_dzpAwardItem(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { OnlyWeiXinLook(); aid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("aid", 0); wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid", 0); openid = MyCommFun.RequestOpenid(); if (aid == 0 || wid == 0 || openid.Trim() == "") { ErrLevel = 1; ErrorInfo = "访问参数错误!"; return; } BindData(); } private void BindData() { dzpAction = actBll.GetModel(aid); IListitemlist = itemBll.GetModelList("actId=" + aid); if (dzpAction == null || itemlist == null || itemlist.Count " + item.jxName + ":" + item.jpName + " 数量:" + item.jpNum + ""); ttJpNum += item.jpRealNum.Value; picIndex++; if (i 0) { litPwd.Text = " <input>
"; } if (dzpAction.beginDate > DateTime.Now) { hidStatus.Value = "-2"; ErrorInfo = hidErrInfo.Value = "活动尚未开始"; } int hasCjTimes = utbll.getCJCiShu(aid, openid);//返回该用户的抽奖次数 this.litHasUsedTimes.Text = hasCjTimes.ToString(); int dayMaxTimes = dzpAction.dayMaxTimes == null ? 0 : dzpAction.dayMaxTimes.Value; int perMaxTimes = dzpAction.personMaxTimes == null ? 0 : dzpAction.personMaxTimes.Value; //判断是否中奖了 Model.wx_dzpAwardUser award = ubll.getZJinfoByOpenid(aid, openid); if (award != null && award.id>0) { //您中奖了 if (award.uTel != null && award.uTel.ToString().Trim() != "") {//已经中奖,并且提交了 litJp.Text = "[" + award.jxName + "] " + award.jpName; litSNM.Text = award.sn; isZhJing = true; } else { //已经中奖,但是未提交 hidStatus.Value = "100"; litzjlJP.Text = "[" + award.jxName + "] " + award.jpName; litzjlSN.Text = award.sn; hidAwardId.Value = award.id.ToString(); litJp.Text = "[" + award.jxName + "] " + award.jpName; litSNM.Text = award.sn; } } else { //判断每人最大抽奖次数,是否超过了 if (hasCjTimes >= dzpAction.personMaxTimes) { hidStatus.Value = "2"; //litOtherTip.Text = "您已经抽了" + hasCjTimes + "次了。
"; } if (isTodayOverSum(dayMaxTimes)) { hidStatus.Value = "2"; // litOtherTip.Text = "每人每天只有" + dayMaxTimes.ToString() + "次抽奖机会,您已经使用完了。
"; } } } #region 方法 ////// 判断今天是否已经超出抽奖次数 /// todayTTTimes:能抽奖的总次数 /// /// /// 每天的抽奖总次数 ///private bool isTodayOverSum( int todayTTTimes) { if (todayTTTimes ='" + todaybegin + "' and createDate= todayTTTimes) { return true; } else { return false; } } #endregion
2. 实现逻辑
public class dzpAct : IHttpHandler { BLL.wx_dzpActionInfo actbll = new BLL.wx_dzpActionInfo(); BLL.wx_dzpAwardUser ubll = new BLL.wx_dzpAwardUser(); BLL.wx_dzpUsersTemp utbll = new BLL.wx_dzpUsersTemp(); public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/json"; string _action = MyCommFun.QueryString("myact"); int aid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("aid"); string openid = MyCommFun.RequestOpenid(); //得到微信用户的openid if (_action == "choujiang") { Dictionary登录后复制jsonDict = new Dictionary (); try { //抽奖 Model.wx_dzpActionInfo dzpAction = new Model.wx_dzpActionInfo(); BLL.wx_dzpAwardItem itemBll = new BLL.wx_dzpAwardItem(); #region 判断 int wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid"); if (aid == 0 || wid == 0 || openid.Trim() == "") { jsonDict.Add("error", "sys"); jsonDict.Add("content", "参数错误!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } dzpAction = actbll.GetModel(aid); if (dzpAction == null) { jsonDict.Add("error", "sys"); jsonDict.Add("content", "参数错误!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } if (dzpAction.endDate DateTime.Now) { //活动未开始 //非活动期间 jsonDict.Add("error", "nostart"); jsonDict.Add("content", "活动未开始"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } int dayMaxTimes = dzpAction.dayMaxTimes == null ? 0 : dzpAction.dayMaxTimes.Value; int perMaxTimes = dzpAction.personMaxTimes == null ? 0 : dzpAction.personMaxTimes.Value; //判断每人最大抽奖次数,是否超过了 if (personCJTimes(openid, aid) >= dzpAction.personMaxTimes) { jsonDict.Add("error", "notimes"); jsonDict.Add("content", "您已抽过奖了,欢迎下次再来!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } if (isTodayOverSum(aid, openid, dayMaxTimes)) { jsonDict.Add("error", "notimes"); jsonDict.Add("content", "每人每天只有" + dayMaxTimes.ToString() + "次抽奖机会。"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } Model.wx_dzpAwardUser award = ubll.getZJinfoByOpenid(aid, openid); if (award != null) { //您中奖了 jsonDict.Add("error", "notimes"); jsonDict.Add("content", "您中奖了,欢迎下次再来!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } #endregion #region 计算中奖信息 /// 处理是否中奖 /// hidStatus 状态为-1:不能抽奖,直接跳转到end.aspx页面; /// 0:抽奖次数超过设置的最高次数; /// 1:还可以继续抽奖; /// 2:中奖了; List itemlist = itemBll.GetModelList("actId=" + aid);//该活动的所有奖项信息 int ttJpNum = 0; for (int i = 0; i auserlist = ubll.getHasZJList(aid);//已经中奖的人列表 int ZhongJiangNum = 0; if (auserlist != null) { ZhongJiangNum = auserlist.Count; //已经中奖的人数 } int syZjNum = ttJpNum - ZhongJiangNum; //剩余的奖品数量 if (syZjNum 0) &&( !actbll.ExistsPwd(aid, pwd))) { context.Response.Write("{"msg":"商家兑换密码错误!!","success":"0"}"); return; } BLL.wx_dzpAwardUser ubll = new BLL.wx_dzpAwardUser(); Model.wx_dzpAwardUser model = ubll.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { context.Response.Write("{"msg":"提交出现异常2!!","success":"0"}"); return; } model.uTel = tel; if (pwd.Length > 0) { model.hasLingQu = true; } else { model.hasLingQu = false; } ubll.Update(model); context.Response.Write("{"msg":"提交成功!","success":"1"}"); return; #endregion } catch { context.Response.Write("{"msg":"提交出现异常!!","success":"0"}"); return; } } } #region 方法 /// /// 取中奖的项目 /// /// 所有的奖品信息 /// 已经中奖的列表 ///private Model.wx_dzpAwardItem getZJItem(IList itemlist, IList haszjlist) { IList zjItemlist = new List ();//剩余奖品列表 Model.wx_dzpAwardItem tmpItem = new Model.wx_dzpAwardItem(); Model.wx_dzpAwardItem stmpItem = new Model.wx_dzpAwardItem(); IList thiszjRs; for (int i = 0; i (); int tmpSYNum = 0; if (thiszjRs != null) { tmpSYNum = MyCommFun.Obj2Int(tmpItem.jpRealNum) - thiszjRs.Count; } if (tmpSYNum /// 判断该用户的抽奖次数 /// /// /// private int personCJTimes(string openid, int aid) { int times = 0; times = utbll.GetRecordCount("actId=" + aid + " and openid='" + openid + "'"); return times; } /// /// 判断今天是否已经超出抽奖次数 /// todayTTTimes:能抽奖的总次数 /// /// /// 每天的抽奖总次数 ///private bool isTodayOverSum(int aid, string openid, int todayTTTimes) { if (todayTTTimes ='" + todaybegin + "' and createDate= todayTTTimes) { return true; } else { model.times += 1; utbll.Update(model); return false; } } /// /// 返回中奖序列号 /// /// ///public string Get_snumber(int aid) { Random rd = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); int radNum = rd.Next(0, 9);//从0到9里随机出一个值 return "SNdzp" + aid + "_" + MyCommFun.ConvertDateTimeInt(DateTime.Now) + radNum; } #endregion public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } } }
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